Monday, May 24, 2010

What is the least expensive way to get mailing list for a certain zip code for direct marketing?

Services like infousa and such are way too expensive. Is there an alternet way to purchase/obtain mailing list for a certain zip code?

What is the least expensive way to get mailing list for a certain zip code for direct marketing?
You can always go down to county record office, or contact a title agency...a lot of time they can pull up mailing list for what your trying to market for as well as by the zip code!
Reply:For a local list, the best way is probably to build it yourself. Write or purchase a report on a subject related to your purpose for the list and post it on local bulletin boards or cheap advertising media such as throw-away news weeklies and such. Give your email address or a website where they can signup and give you their contact info to get the report for free. Be sure the free report is worthwhile because they will now associate your name with it and will not buy from you if you give them something worthless just to get their info.
Reply:I would look at the US postal website. There is some list source information on it. I know you can obtain lists from Equifax, but I think they are expensive.
Reply:I always build my own mailing lists. It takes a bit of time, but you know your target market better than anyone else, and can scrutinize every entry. It's pretty easy with the internet, and I think this is the best way to get results.

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