Monday, May 24, 2010

How as Americans can we improve the genetic code of Ayrabs?

What if we invented some type of environmental bomb that didnt kill anyone but altered the genetic code of the Ayrabz to make 'em smarter and less hostile. The world would love us.

How as Americans can we improve the genetic code of Ayrabs?
"An envirnmental bomb"? WTF is that?

Dude, are you for real?

Maybe they should drop one of those bombs on you. Then you would no how to spell Arabs.
Reply:Damn Adolf Hitler, I thought you died back in 1945..careful you'll blow your cover and they'll come after you..
Reply:I can not feed the terminally dumb


Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


551 - 479 BC




Reply:that's being a bit Nazi.
Reply:riiiiiiight. Your remote is stuck on SciFi channel, isn't it?
Reply:Maybe the same "environmental bomb" could also make Americans less bigoted stupid and obese?
Reply:Make them smarter where do you think civilisation started America?.God help us.
Reply:I think this is George W Bush posting. It's how his tiny hostile mind works.
Reply:Don't feed the troll. Thank you.
Reply:lol if this is satire, if not ......

love song lyrics

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