Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do I use my friend code to trade on Pokemon Diamond?

I see alot of people saying their friend code to trade, but I could'nt exactly understand how it happens.

How do I use my friend code to trade on Pokemon Diamond?
Well, first you need to have a Pal Pad, sorry but I forget who gives it to you. Then you need to ask people what their Friend Code is. You can then go to it and click use and then Register Code and then type in your friends anme and their Friend Code. To check your Friend Code, you need to have a Nintendo Wi-Fi connector or a wirless router. Then you need to go to your DS menu and tap Pokemon Diamond and then instead of clicking Continue, click Nintendo WFC Settings. Tap the big blue box, then the one that says connect to your Wi-Fi connector. Do so and search for an access point. If you have it then go back into the game and check your code and give it to people. Now go to the bottom of a Pokemon Center and go in and then meet friends in there and trade away!
Reply:I am in WIFI with squirtle =D
Reply:Pal Pad - Lady in any pokemon centre downstairs

To get your code connect to the net and it should be there next time your in the game.

and simply 'add friend'

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